Monday, June 9, 2014

Siri… find me directions to the killer robot conference

Image courtesy of

Despite a rash of positive coverage –extoling the positive possible uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs for short)– the image of the drone as a killer robot is back (cue the Terminator references) and with a vengeance. This week the U.N. (yes, the United Nations) is taking up the issue of a proposed ban on killer robots. As Ishaan Tharoor of WashPo points out, while Human Rights Watch and a number of other international NGOs banded together about a year ago to launch the international campaign against killer robots.
This despite the fact that there are actually no robots out there currently killing anyone on their own. There is an active “targeted killing” program that negligibly has replaced the “Global War on Terror” under the Obama administration typically persecuted by armed MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper drones. But these UAVs are remotely piloted, are not actually robots and do not possess the Terminator like autonomy to live up to the name of killer robots. As Charlie Carpenter of UMass Amherst has astutely pointed out in several venues and forms, this nascent global movement is fixated on the delivery platform (the drones) when it should be focused on the indefensible policy (targeted killing or AKA assassination). After all, this policy certainly could be carried out via other means like Special Forces, manned aircraft launching identical missiles or Tomahawk cruise missiles (that never seemed to creep us out quite like a drone does despite their higher levels of autonomy). Never the less, media reports and blog post continue to conflate killer robots with a seemingly inevitable string of assassinations from above (thanks for the hard hitting research, Maureen Dowd). The two issues are linked but fall along separate lines when one digs into the policy and technical aspects of these issues.

A far more comprehensive and nuanced critique of drone warfare is offered by Ian Shaw and Majed Akhter at Understanding Empire in a series of posts under the heading “The Droneification of State Violence”. Here the tropes of killer robots are balanced by clear geopolitical, historic and theoretically informed meditation on the vagaries of imperial violence in our postmodern moment. For those seeking more depth in the increasingly shallow conversations surrounding lethal autonomous weapons, this is a much more comprehensive account. This is not surprising given that this series of blog posts are essentially cut and pasted from their co-written academic article in the April 2014 issue ofCritical Asian Studies. And even a cursory look at Understanding Empire establishes its partisan slant and academic activist bona fides where we have to ask what is analysis and what is rhetoric. What is clear, though, is that while the targeted assassination policy of the US and killer robot motif of ‘dronification’ are deeply integrated, we do need to debate each of these elements on their own separate merits: what the policy of today is doing to global security and what the future advancements in technology portended for global politics writ large in the future.

On the other side of the ledger, we find a number of pronouncements and general “golly gee”/“whiz bang” admiration for technological wizardry directly from the military branches (as well reported by Michael Peck at the War is Boring blog) to the equal parts creped out but gleefully awestruck gadgetry of mainstream technology blogs like Popular Science Zero Moment blog, Gizmoto and Vice’s Motherboard.

This points to a general problem with the state of the conversation that is evident even when one digs deeper into the debates at the U.N. Convention of Certain Conventional Weapons this week: how do we first separate the hyperbolic rhetoric against the use of autonomous UAVs that don’t exist yet from what is technically possible? Once we ask what is technically possible from the engineers/aviation industry, we run into two problems. First –given the nature of the research is geared towards military applications couched in the interests of national security– universities, companies and the military are reticent to be transparent about what the state of autonomous UAVs are currently. So second, even from those supporting this technology we see conjectures (but guestimations, none the less) based more on science fiction than science fact. Striving for clearer information on the technology side, one could do worse than Mark Gubrud’s 1.0 Human blog that seems to strike the right balance of well informed technical knowledge, with a deeper consideration of the ethical issues, all the while still being partisan against autonomous weapon systems. Yet, one is left with the sense that we desperately need better and real information (rather than conjecture) about what is technically feasible in the near future for these weapons to even start an informed debate. 

Of course, this formulation (first collect the technical data, and then hold an informed debate on UAVs) is problematic on two levels. Given that all signs point towards more state security now and in the near future rather than more transparency, it is doubtful that such details would be forthcoming in a public arena. Perhaps it’s also the wrong question to ask at this time, suspending the discussions of ethics while waiting on the technoscience to catch up. More often than not, the ethics are considered after the fact. So while the campaign against killer robots is really a campaign against autonomous technology that doesn’t quite exist yet, we can at least give kudos to the movements for taking on the issue before it is a fait accompli.